
Sabroxy- a superior brain & Neural Health ingredient

Nootropics are supplements that enhance cognitive performance through various means- increasing the nerve growth factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and reducing the levels of oxidative free radicals.*

Sabroxy® (10% Oroxylin A) has been shown to help improve cognitive performance in preclinical studies by increasing BDNF and protecting the nerves from chemical damage.

Via this link, you can access the latest white paper: Superior Brain and Neuronal Health Ingredient | Sabinsa Corporation | Health Nutrition Industry

Vitamine K2 en Vitamine D : ‘Better together for bone and hearth health’.

Meer en meer wordt onderkend dat de consumptie van Vitamine D alleen zou kunnen leiden tot (te) hoge calcium niveaus.  De rol van K2 om hier een balans in te brengen, en calcium weg van de aderen maar naar de botten te brengen, wordt ook meer en meer besproken.

Discover the main benefits of vitamin K2 and vitaMK7® in video

In ons portfolio bieden wij de brede range vitamine K2 van Gnosis by Lesaffre, inclusief de vitaMK7® in olijf olie en andere innovatieve toepassingen. VitaMK7® wordt verkregen door een gepatenteerd en natuurlijk bio fermentatie proces, waarmee het erg zuiver is: Why to choose vitaMK7® : the main pillars of the brand

  • *Source : Gnosis by Lesaffre
  • *These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Folaat; nieuwste inzichten en claims

Het gebruik van folaat is inmiddels onderkend voor verschillende toepassingen, waaronder Menopauze, Cardiovasculair, Mentale gezondheid, Vruchtbaarheid, Zwangerschap en kinderen in de groei. Gnosis by LeSaffre heeft de laatste (wetenschappelijke)  informatie over folaat voor u op een rijtje gezet:

Het verschil tussen foliumzuur en folaat: Quatrefolic®- All the applications of folate in human health – Quatrefolic
Klik hier om het laatste rapport te downloaden over het one-carbon metabolism in Polen in 2021: Folate and One-Carbon Metabolism Conference: the report – Quatrefolic
De laatste webinar over Quatrefolic is beschikbaar via deze link: The new benefits of Quatrefolic®, the innovActive folate: The Webinar on-demand – Quatrefolic
‘Quatrefolic, menopause en het normaliseren van homocysteine niveaus: Quatrefolic®: the innovative Folate for menopause – Quatrefolic
Folaat kent veel EFSA goedgekeurde health claims, ook gerelateerd aan psychische functies, vermindering van vermoeidheid, normale homocysteine metabolisme, en de weerstand, waarmee folaat ook specifiek voor ouderen aangeboden wordt: Quatrefolic®: the innovative Folate for cognitive health – Quatrefolic

  • *Source : Gnosis by Lesaffre
  • *These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

    Tinofolin® is a standardized extract from Tinospora cordifolia, which has been blessed with multitude of pharmacological activities. Tinospora cordifolia is commonly called as “Guduchi”. Guduchi means one which protects the entire body and is attributed to its ability to impart youthfulness, vitality, and longevity. Tinofolin® has been evaluated for its ability to improve visual memory, logical memory, verbal memory, attention span and concentration in a clinical study. The supplementation significantly improved verbal learning and memory and logical memory compared to control.

    • *Source : Sabinsa
    • *These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

    NIgellin®, Nigella Sativa, Black Seed, Zwarte cumin

    Nigella sativa, popularly known as ‘black seed,’ or ‘black cumin,’ one the most revered medicinal seeds in history of mankind, is indeed a gift from the Mother Nature—owing to its well-established, sanctified, and miraculous uses for over 3,000 years. Various medicinal and healing properties of black seed are directly mentioned in the Qur’an as ‘blessed food.’ Black seed has also been mentioned in the Bible as the ‘curative,’ used by Asian herbalists and the Romans for culinary purposes for centuries.

    The ancient wisdom of using this ‘seed of blessing’ in various medicinal practices across the world for treating and preventing a broad array of health conditions and maintaining general wellness in humans has earned it the fame of ‘Panacea’ meaning ‘cure all’ in old Latin.

    Sabinsa’s Nigellin™ BCS is obtained from the seeds of Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) and standardized to contain Thymoquinone, Thymohydroquinone, Hederagenin with added Rosmarinic acid. Nigellin™ BCS is available in AMBER, ONYX, and PEARL grades.

    • *Source : Sabinsa
    • *These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

    Cirpusins®: nieuwe mogelijkheden voor gewichtsbeheersing

    Cirpusins® is een gestandaardiseerd extract bereid uit de gedroogde wortels van Cyperus Rotundus. Het bevat minimaal 6% Stilbenen (Piceatannol, Scirpusin-A en Scirpusin-B). Klinische resultaten laten significante gewichtsbeheersing zien bij personen met obesitas, en doserings afhankelijke blokkering van adipogenese . The preklinische studie liet een reductie zien in lichaamsgewicht, en vetmassa, vooral het viscerale vet, bij personen met obesitas veroorzaakt door hoge vet inname. Ook de biochemische parameters werden genormaliseerd met Cirpusin® suppletie.

    • *Source : Sabinsa
    • *These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

    Colourless Turmeric antioxidant: Curcumin C3 Reduct®. EFSA approved novel food

    Sabinsa has obtained Novel Food approval from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for Curcumin C3 Reduct®, which contains the curcuminoid metabolites Tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THCs).
    C3 Reduct overcomes the bioavailability limitation of the parent curcuminoids in the most functional way. The extensive metabolism of curcuminoids has resulted in the rapid proliferation of many commercial curcuminoid products in the market, often with unsubstantiated or hyperbolic claims of enhanced bioavailability.

    It has been generally believed that limited systemic bioavailability of curcuminoids might limit the realization of the full potential of curcumin. The knowledge that curcuminoids metabolize readily, especially to the reduced forms – THCs – which confer essentially the same benefits of the parent curcuminoids, propelled Sabinsa to explore these reductive metabolites in greater depth.

    Another differentiating factor of curcumin C3 reduct® is that is colourless.

    • *Source : Sabinsa
    • *These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.